About Us

Cathy Caylor
N.E. Region Director
Cathy Caylor serves as North East Director in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania for Aglow International. She is a long-time member of Aglow International and has served in various positions.
Her heart is on fire, the Word is alive, and she has been transformed from a life of rejection and fear into a Prayer Warrior. Cathy is a Fire Starter and GameChanger.
She is processing how to see all things and all people the way God sees. Her prayer is that we may all know our identity and truly understand who our God is for us, who He is in us, and who we are in Him.
She has a passion to see men and women and the generations and all races walk together to bring The Kingdom of Heaven to the earth.
“God will give me every place I walk, wherever my feet touch, because this is God’s land, and this is my land!”
Cathy is married to Rick Caylor and they have two children and five grandsons. They reside in Brookville, Pa.