State Prayer Coordinator

Prayer Assignment from Your SPC

Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem – October 6, 2019

Jerusalem, often called the epicenter of the world, is a key focal point in God’s dealing with the nations. Jerusalem is the most strategic spiritual battle front. Jerusalem is where our Lord Jesus will once again place His feet upon the earth. We join with the followers of Jesus in Jerusalem to welcome Jesus’ return saying, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” On October 6, Aglow International is partnering with millions of intercessors around the world on the Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. We urge everyone to add your voice to this worldwide concert of prayer.

•Pray that God’s Shalom will fill the hearts and minds of all peoples in the region, bringing an end to terror and the shedding of innocent blood.

•Pray for both Jew and Arab and for all the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

•Pray for religious and political leaders, oppressed women and children, victims of terror, believers in the Land, and the young generation of Israelis and Arab Palestinians.

•Pray with expectancy. Believe God. Believe His Promises. Believe that God is faithful to His Promises.

•Decree from Heaven to earth that redemption will be fulfilled and hope is renewed for the day of salvation in Jerusalem.

Participating with God of the Angel Armies

Carolyn SPC

Carolyn Woodbury 
Carolyn Woodbury, SPC