State Prayer Coordinators

SPC - Delmarva
Sylvia Keller is the SPC of Delmarva, which is the area made up of the state of Delaware, the eastern shore of MD and the eastern tip of Virginia. Prophetic words have been spoken and repeatedly confirmed over this area that three waves are going to wash over Delmarva: a wave of deliverance of God’s people, a wave of restitution of the back-slidden and a wave of salvation.
In November 2011, a group of Delmarva women climbed into two cars and drove in a cross pattern over the Peninsula declaring that Jesus is Lord over Delmarva and calling forth the fulfillment of every prophetic word spoken over Delmarva. We are standing shoulder to shoulder, praying in unity and earnestly expecting the fulfillment of these words. This is the time to walk with a true goal aim and purpose, not drift about in an endless circle. This is neither warm-up nor scrimmage; this is the real thing, the main event. It is not time to hold back. Now is the time to give our all to the Kingdom of God. It is time to arise and advance in both prayer and action. Feel free to contact Sylvia to learn more about prayer opportunities for Delmarva and for our Mid-Atlantic Region.

SPC - Northern Virginia and Washington D.C.
Alice Holland currently serves as Mid-Atlantic Prayer Coordinator for Northern Virginia and Washington D.C. She has been involved in Aglow for 39 years and has served in most positions on Aglow Area teams. She was involved in Aglow in Germany and other parts of the U.S. where she lived while her husband served in the military.
She considers herself blessed to be able to coordinate monthly prayer trips into D.C for Aglow women and men from across the nation and expects to witness God’s move in our nation.

SPC - Maryland
Lois Akehurst - GameChangers and LifeChangers have been powerful personal development studies Biblically designed to help her see herself as God sees her, and to see others as God sees them. As a result she has introduced these studies to help others to walk out their destinies during such a time as this. Presently, she oversees several groups in her area. Lois has been a co-worker with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Ministry since 1981, a Rapid Response Team Chaplain, and helps minister at Harford Senior Housing Worship.

SPC - North Carolina
Jennifer Hartman is very excited about her new position as SPC for North Carolina, effective January 1, 2022.
Jennifer has been involved in Aglow since the mid-80’s and has held each position on the local lighthouse team as well as serving on the Central NC Aglow Area Team for approximately 11 years. She served as coordinator for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Transformation/Evangelism team for four years. Mission trips and bible studies have helped her realize that prayer is the foundation of our very being and much needed for healthy relationships and healthy lighthouses.
Jennifer participates in the Aglow Regional daily prayer calls, the monthly Appalachian prayer call, as well as several other calls praying for our nation.
Please join us for our monthly N.C. Aglow Prayer Call the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 PM. Phone # 516-893-5250
Access code 3011821#.
Email Jennifer with any questions

SPC - Virginia
Mary Royster serves as Prayer Coordinator for the State of Virginia. Mary has been a part of Aglow since 1976, and has served in most positions on local and area teams. Aglow has been a tool God has used to reveal Himself and to teach her of His character and great love.
Mary sees herself blessed by God to be used by Him to facilitate the bringing together of people from every part of the state to be in unity, praying together for our beloved Virginia. Our prayer is that it will return to the covenant with Almighty God upon which Virginia was founded.

SPC - West Virginia
Cynthia (Cyndi) Bernhart lives in Morgantown, WV. She has served as Prayer Coordinator for West Virginia since February of 2021. Cyndi has been a part of Aglow since 1982 and been active in various prayer groups in Aglow, Monongalia County Prayer group, Pray West Virginia, National Day of Prayer and has been a part of the prayer team at her church.She has prayed at local schools, at various churches, in the parking lot of the Mosques in Morgantown, at the gates and high places of her town/county and is currently part of a team praying for unity of a group of pastors in three counties that are meeting monthly. Cyndi and her husband serve as Chaplains for Disaster Response Team with the BGEA.
Cyndi has continued the WV Aglow Prayer Conference calls each Thursday from 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. that was started by the former SPC, Rebecca Gould. The number for the conference call is (716) 427-1128, access code: 692263#. She would love to have you join the group in prayer.
The Lord has shown Cyndi prayer assignments for the Aglow Lighthouses of WV, the schools and the pastors of her state. Mary Royster and Cyndi are seeking the Lord concerning a future prayer gathering for VA and WV prayer teams.