
Gwen was invited to her first Aglow meeting in September 1987 and with lots of persuasion, she decided to attend the meeting and never stopped attending from that day forward. Consequently, the joy that was evident in her life through attending the Aglow meetings, a few months later, she was asked to serve as Hostess Chairman which turned out to be a position that she loved dearly. Not long after that, she was asked to serve on a Lighthouse Team. Gwen has been in some capacity of leadership during most of her years of serving in Aglow. Her most recent position was serving as North Carolina State Prayer Coordinator for ten and a half years.
Gwen has a strong desire to see unity in the Body of Christ, according to John 17:21. So much so that in 2015, the Lord inspired her to write a book titled “Unity” God’s Perfect Plan for Joyful Living. In addition, she also wrote her second book in 2019, titled “God Will Make A Way.” In this book, she shares her testimony of how God made a way of escape (1 Corinthians 10:13) for her and her two daughters out of a domestic violence marriage.
Gwen was licensed to preach the gospel in the year 2000. She was ordained by her Pastor in 2005 and again in 2011 under IPHC Ministries. She earned a Bachelor of Theology degree in 2005 from Christian Life School of Theology and was commissioned as an Apostle in 2012.
Gwen is the Visionary for Shekinah Glory Apostolic Outreach Ministry whose primary focus is Domestic Violence. She is also a member of No Nonsense (Apostolic) Kingdom Alliance and she serves as mentor to many women. Presently, Gwen serves as the U.S. Regional Director for the Mid-Atlantic Region of Aglow International.
Gwen is also a prayer warrior who reaches God daily on behalf of those who need prayer and hope. That includes family, friends, and others who have asked for prayer covering. She takes all prayer request seriously and earnestly. Currently, she attends Living Waters Christian Community Church in Durham, NC, where she resides. She has two daughters, two granddaughters and three great grandchildren who light up her life.