The Native American: A Plan of Prayer and Action
Listen – Pray - Prepare – Watch - Act
What message are we hearing?
You…are a sleeping giant! The original Americans, you are now awakening! Just around the corner, you may become a spiritual superpower in this country that could change not only America but the world! ~ Billy Graham, 1975
The Lord is raising up the harvesters for the future. And I believe that our First People are key in the next harvest. There will be a healing of the First People and a healing of the land and from that you will see a new awakening begin. ~ Chuck Pierce
Speaking of what our government and what we have done to the native peoples, a wound was in their back, but because they can forgive, they can actually release this nation into a new day of revival and awakening. ~ Lou Engle
We say to the First Nations people of America: Come into your position. Come into your destiny. Come out of the curse. Come out of poverty. Come out of lack and out of the broken covenants and mistreatment of the past and rise up in the fullness of who God called you to be. There is a place for you in this nation. He’s put you here first. And you will rise up into the fullness of everything He’s called you to be. We are incomplete without you and we know it. We say c’mon and lead the way and be everything you are supposed to be. We will gladly follow you! ~ Dutch Sheets

Have faith that expects change.
• For the Lord’s wisdom and guidance upon tribal leaders
• For unity within the tribes
• For humility, love and honor in
relationship with God and one another through Christ
• For the healing of emotional scars of rejection, oppression and abuse
• For tribal people to rise up and take their place in God’s plan
• For an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon tribal nations
• For believers in Christ to give honor to First Nations people

It is important for those in Aglow to be aware of what God is doing in and through the native people and why it should matter to us. When we understand what God is unfolding and why, we are better equipped to facilitate an awakening and stirring among the native people that can lead to true revival. The goal of Aglow’s Mid-Atlantic Region is to inspire Native Americans living within our borders to step into their God-given purpose and destiny.
The DVD “Awakened” has become a proven resource for making this happen. Most native homes have limited access to online streaming and require a hard copy of the film delivered as a DVD, in order to receive the message.
AWAKENED: the Spiritual Destiny of the First Americans is a documentary film featuring up to the minute accounts of what God is doing in and through the First Nations people. It has been 40 years since Billy Graham made the iconic statement, “you as Indians are a sleeping giant. The original American, you are now awakening. Just around the corner, you may become a spiritual superpower in this country that could change not only America, but the world.”
The First Americans are now awake and stepping into their spiritual destiny, a destiny that holds the keys to revival and America’s future in its hands!
- For opportunities to develop relationships with Native Americans
- For answered prayer—especially in unexpected ways
- For open doors to show the “Awakened” DVD
- For Heaven-sent, creative responses to prayer

Through a partnership with Greg Miller, writer and producer of the “Awakened” film, there is a plan in place to make the DVD available to Aglow and the Native Americans on a national scale. The plan is called The 7/40 Project.
For a $40 purchase, seven copies of the “Awakened” DVD will be distributed by Greg and his team to native households on US reservations. An eighth copy of the film, in DVD form, will be sent to the Aglow member (or purchaser) for use in a lighthouse, church, ministry group or personally. As many $40 packages as desired can be purchased for maximum distribution into native households.
Greg and his team will handle shipping, distribution and will maintain a database of where the DVDs have been sent.
Once an initial $40 purchase of DVDs has been made, future DVD purchases will be available at a cost of $5 each. It is hoped that all copies of the “Awakened” film will be used to raise awareness of God’s call to the Native Americans whether the distribution is directly to them or to Aglow people who need to be informed.
This is an exciting opportunity for Aglow to spread the message throughout our region and nation; GOD IS MOVING AMONG THE NATIVE PEOPLE—in our region, in this nation and even around the world where the indigenous people reside. It should be our collective goal to reach every native home (800,000) in the US and Canada. By uniting the regions of Aglow and partnering with others, this is possible.

Gregory Miller – Writer, Producer of the Awakened DVD
Chief Anne Richardson – Rappahannock Tribe in Southeast Virginia
National Museum of the American Indian (email)
National Museum of the American Indian (website)
Pam Smith – Native American Outreach Coordinator, M-A Region
Gwen Campbell – US Regional Director, Mid-Atlantic Region
To Order Awakened DVD:
- Email with 7/40 Project in the subject line
- Indicate # of 7/40 packages ordering, preferred payment (Credit Card or Check) and mailing address for personal copy of DVD.
- Send Check: $40 per package to Immersion 809 W. Riordan Rd. Suite 100, #286 Flagstaff, AZ 86001
- Credit Card: PayPal link will be sent in a return email message.
To order additional Aglow copies at the special rate of $5 each, shipping costs will apply. Please note: there is a minimum order requirement of 10 DVDs for this option.