There is an abundance, of information available regarding human trafficking. All a person needs to do is google “Human Trafficking” or “Human Trafficking in (name the area; for example, Northern Virginia)” to get access to useful resources and to learn about human trafficking in your area. The information comes in many forms including websites, films, videos, webinars, videos, tool-kits, printed materials. Some examples and a list, certainly not all inclusive, follow.

Your Kids and Technology, A Parent’s Safety Guide
Young persons are even more vulnerable to becoming victims of human trafficking.
Shared Hope International has made “Your Kids and Technology, A Parent’s Safety Guide” available. Information is provided for how to communicate with youngsters regarding social-media and trafficking.

How to Talk with Kids
About Pornography:
A Quick Start Guide for
Proactive Parents
Websites: Following is a list of some of the available websites. Often these websites will make a long list of resources available to you. In many cases the non-governmental providers are faith-based organizations:
- (click on ‘get involved’, then ‘ministries’, then ‘Anti-‐Human Trafficking’
- national center on sexual
- - Restoration One Ninety-Nine
Many local, state and federal agencies have human trafficking websites making resources and information available; for example:
- Fairfax County Police Department
- Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
- US Department of Homeland Security
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- US Department of Justice
- US Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Films/Videos: As seen below there are many excellent products to draw from that are readily available. There are too many for us to list. They are moving and meaningful, conveying both heart-‐breaking and uplifting messages.
- Gang Trap – a four-‐part awareness and training series presented by Shared Hope International (DVD, 60 minutes).
- Chosen – a documentary showing how to protect children from being chosen for sex exploitation presented by Shared Hope International (DVD, 20 minutes).
- Chosen – customized resources for youth and adults, Q & A, presentations, guides presented by Shared Hope International (CD).
- Tricked – Inside the World of Teen Sex Trafficking presented by Fairfax County Public Schools (DVD, 9 Segments from 4 to 13minutes).
- Nefarious: Merchant of Souls – A hard-‐hitting documentary that exposes the disturbing trends of modern day sex slavery (Film 1h, 36 m).
- Not Today -‐ Award winning movie, “None of us are free if one of us is enslaved,” (Film 1h, 43 m).
- An Introduction to Human Trafficking, Modern Day Slavery in the United States and Maryland -‐ presented by the Maryland Rescue and Restore Coalition (Power Point).
- Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children by Linda Smith, Founder and President, Shared Hope International (book).
- Very Young Girls -‐ Documentary depicting human trafficking in an urban Produced by Rachel Lloyd of GEMS in New York City.