Anti-Human Trafficking Accomplishments
An impressive series of Anti-Human Trafficking events and activities have taken place throughout the region beginning in 2015. These actions took place at the Regional, Area, Lighthouse, State Prayer Coordinator, and Ministry levels. Following is a summary, not all inclusive, of those accomplishments:
- PRAYER - The backbone of Aglow is prayer and it showed related to Anti-Human Trafficking activities taking place daily, weekly, and monthly at all times including:
- Prayer meetings, prayer calls, drives and visits to truck stops, schools, churches, malls, police and fire stations, libraries, elected officials offices, businesses and prostitution areas, etc.
- Talking to and praying with stripping and pole dancing performers
- EVENTS – A fundamental means for educating and making the public aware is through face-to-face contact and there have been many in-person and virtual gatherings including:
- Workshops, summits, panel discussions, conferences, webinars, seminars
- Brunch and Learn with several churches
- Providing information tables at local events
- LEARNING AND SHARING – Many opportunities were taken advantage of to learn and to share information with non-Aglow persons. Some of these activities are listed below:
- Internet Safety “Innocence Stolen, Protecting Our Children Online”
- National Human Trafficking Prevention Month events
- Anti-Bullying, Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence Conferences
- Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Seminar
- July 4th Parade
- Billboards
- Red Sand Project
- INFORMATION & DISTRIBUTION – Area Teams, Lighthouses, and State Prayer Coordinators, and other people increased public awareness by making good use of available materials and distributing them far and wide to individuals, pastors, churches, community groups, organizations and through social and traditional media. Following is a sample of those products:
- National Human Trafficking Hotline Cards – Call 1-888-373-7888
- Mid-Atlantic 2017 Brochure – “You Can Help Change Lives”
- Mid-Atlantic 2023 Brochure – “You Can Help Change Lives”
- Aglow International “Anti-Human Trafficking Prayer Guide”
- Aglow International DVD – “Sex and Labor Trafficking in the 21st Century”
- Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Materials
- CONNECTING WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS/ MINISTRIES – Human Trafficking cannot be prevented and dealt with solely within Aglow. Therefore, Aglow reached out to and connected with a wide range of organizations increasing the education, information, and communication network toward a common purpose. Some of the groups are listed below:
- Delaware Coalition Against Trafficking
- Universities
- Eastern Shore (Maryland) Human Trafficking Task Force
- Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force
- North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault
- Safe Harbor Rescue Mission
- Saving Our Adolescents from Prostitution
- National Center On Sexual Exploitation
- Shared Hope International
- Polaris Project
- Vigilante Truth
- Law Enforcement
- Redeeming Joy
- Restoration 1:99,Inc.
- RESET 180
- Somebody’s Daughter
- PROVIDE/DONATE – Directly and indirectly in many ways the Mid-Atlantic Region gave to victims and survivors of human trafficking so they can have facilities they need, care and treatment they deserve, spiritual guidance they need, and personal necessities they require. Following are a few of the measures used to achieve those accomplishments:
- Donated household supplies and furniture
- Gave money
- Bought and filled backpacks to meet emergency needs of victims and gave them to local police, a hospital, and a street ministry
- Provided emergency packets to local police to be given to trafficking victims in emergency situations
- ADVOCATE – Federal, State and local governments throughout the region are frequently considering laws and taking actions related to human trafficking. For example, we have encouraged the following groups to act and thanked them for their actions:
- Federal, State and local Elected Officials
- Government Leaders
- Non-government Organizations