State Prayer Coordinator

Our Positions As Priests On Earth
This is a teaching that greatly affects who we are and how we see others, and how we pray for others.
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Southeast area
As we met in the Southeast area on June 4th some prophetic words came forth. I wanted to share these two with you.
Se Prayer 6-4-22 Gloria Wyatt Change Agents
This day I am giving out a double mantle that you might receive a double anointing sayeth the Lord. The Lord says as long as you continue in prayer, and as you continue in My glory of worship know that every prophetic act, know that every prophetic song, know that every prophetic word that comes forth out of your mouth said the Lord, that the manifestation of destroying of the works of the enemy said the Lord is upon you. The Lord is saying I have been waiting for my sons and for my daughters to come forth. The whole earth has been moaning and groaning for you to take your rightful place, to open up your mouth, and take the rightful authority said the Lord. The Lord says know that this is not for naught. Then the Lord began to speak to me, that as I spread forth this staff, as the staff began to strike the ground, the Lord says know the striking of the ground is causing strikes to go forth against the enemy in the spirit, says the Lord. The Lord says for as much as you worship, as much as you praise, as much as you open up your mouth, said the Lord, you are the carriers of My anointing, you are the carriers of My glory so it is up to you sayeth the Lord. You are the change agents in this earth. I have given you that authority said the Lord. So go forth as My strikers, as My strikers in this earth and obey, do, and you will see a sway and a change says the Spirit of the Lord.
SE Prayer 6-4-22 Suzi Armstrong Gusher
I’m going to bounce off of Gloria’s prophetic word so It’s good you went first Gloria because it was a second word. And the Lord says I’m taking you into a new level that’s why I’ve called you here today. This is an appointed day, an appointed time and I am taking the lid off of what has held you back to this point. This is not a condemnation but the Lord says there’s a timing and My timing is now and I’m going to take the lid off and you are going to gush forth and you are not going to be able to control it says the Spirit of God. For this is going to be controlled by My Holy Spirit and all of those boundaries that have been set before are gonna be wiped out by the spread, like a gusher that gushes forth out of your spirit. For you will see it will be like a fire hose, out of control, says the Lord. And it will go to the left and it will go to the right and you will not be able to manage it says God. But the Lord says don’t worry about that, don’t be afraid of that, for I will manage it. I will manage it from My position on the throne. For the Lord says I’ve removed that, I’ve removed all the debris, I’ve removed all of that that would hold you back. All the memories from the past, all the old is gone and today says the Lord, today is the time now that I am pushing you forward and I’m going to cause a thrust in your belly that’s going to cause the river of God to burst forth in a way that is new, in a way that springs My life and My glory everywhere that you walk, everywhere that you talk, everywhere that you decree, everywhere that you pray, everywhere that you turn your heart toward says God. That this spring will come forth, this gusher will come forth. It is interesting because during the early part of this day when we were worshipping this morning with the piano, I saw two visions and the second vision was a gusher that was coming up, out and on the top of the gusher was Jesus and He was like on His back and He was just having fun and it was just like very uncontrollable and I didn’t know how it fit until you released what you released and it’s like what is going to come out of the gusher is Jesus. It’s just gonna be Jesus.
Southwest area
Date: August 27th
Location: Transformation Life Church, 2620 McLaughlin Ave., Muskegon Michigan 49442
I would ask each leader to prepare maps for their areas. We will be covering the counties of your area. Research of each county, has been prepared, which I'm extremely grateful for, and I will be bringing it with me to our meetings.
I will also be bringing the Citizens Guide from the Capital, so we can keep in prayer our Legislators who govern over our counties. This book is filled with information of your Legislators, important for each area leader to have in their hands as they go into each county.
The doors open at 9:30 and we will begin with a light breakfast. The meetings will begin at 10 a.m. and end around 4.
I look forward to everyone enjoying our new State Leader, Gloria Wyatt, who will be bringing her vision and thoughts for our State.
I feel like I have loads of info to send out each time I write!! Hopefully you aren't tired of receiving my correspondence but actually look forward to what God wants to do in our State!! I continually speak His word over our State; Hab. 2:14, "for MI will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters surround our State."
I believe as we enter these counties again, that a fresh wind of His Spirit is going to rise up and new works will sprout everywhere!!
Love you all and truly look forward to our gatherings! My family appreciates all your prayers as I lead this State in prayer!!

Aglow Capitol Prayer
3rd Wednesday of the month
at 11:00
June 15, 2022 Declarations
SCRIPTURE DECLARATIONS over the Michigan House of Representatives:
Psalm 33.20 TPT and Proverbs 3.5 AMP
To the Michigan House of Representatives we declare 20 The Lord alone is your radiant hope. Trust in him with all your heart. His wraparound presence will strengthen you.” 5 “Trust and relyconfidently on the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
Psalm 14.1-2 NLT
1 Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.”
James 4.7 NLT
7 So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Ephesians 6.14 NLT
14 Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God’s righteousness.
Proverbs 21.21 NLT
21 Whoever pursues righteousness and unfailing love will find life, righteousness, and honor.
Isaiah 33.21-22 NLT
21 The Lord will be the Mighty One over Michigan.