Praying for the Nations in the Soo on August 1st at the Tower of History! 326 E. Portage Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, MI at 6:15 p.m.. If you're interested and have a distance to drive there are great hotels in the area.
As I sought the face of the Lord this morning a word of the Lord came to me concerning the UK and Japan. Please lift up these two Nations.
Let us consider the matter of the UK Gov't as they decide who will lead their Nation. Also Japan has lost a leader to violence. Let the wind of Your Spirit break forth on Your churches in these Nations and may the gospel of Your kingdom advance. Doors open for the sake of your church!
Japan hear the word of the Lord, No more a desert where the word of the Lord has not been heard but a place where the flowers will bloom again and the Spirit's fragrance will come upon the land! We speak to the churches in the island of Japan, Awaken and be ready for the harvest, for what the enemy meant for evil God has gone beforehand to prepare the way and is opening ancient doors that have been shut for a period of time. The isle has known deafness but now it will experience life! Send the laborers for the Lord of the Harvest is breaking forth in Japan!!
I see a bowing of the knee to come forth from another Isle, that is from the UK! Bow your knees to the King of Glory. Find your identity in Him not in myths or fables! We cry for the Nation to turn towards Your heart not away and depend on man's strength and ability. This Nation was created to be a bridge builder between many Nations!! Bring forth your purpose so many can hear and be awakened to their purpose on the earth.
Hear, arise, it is the hour of the Nations to spring forth, a time of gathering for the day of the Lord is near! It is a time to win and build as many as the church is released to do by His Spirit.
We cry out for the Lord of the Harvest to raise up laborers to be sent forth!! Send Your laborers Lord!!