Meet The Team
“I joined the SW Washington Area Team in February of 2021. The Lord showed me a great need to build this area. A need for more workers on the teams, including the Area Team, and the need to build up and open more Lighthouses. At that time, Tacoma Lighthouse and the Capitol Prayer Neighborhood Lighthouse were meeting monthly, all else was on hold due to Covid. Since then, we have opened Vancouver and Federal Way Lighthouses. We have a desire to see more Lighthouses rebuilt and developed. We have added two leaders to the Area Team: Vivian and Paulette. Our prayers are for the teams we have to expand their leadership and to open doors for more Lighthouses, both Community and Neighborhood. One tool the Lord has given us in addition to prayer is Fireside Chats. The main focus we have is to build relationship and passion for the Lord, love for one another and our communities. If you are reading this because you are searching for Aglow in the Southwest Washington Area, please contact us. We have connections with past members and new ladies who are searching for Aglow ministry.” Alice Bale