
Our events are meant to proclaim the love of God to a lost and hurting world.

The goal of our events is to expose others to Aglow and the reality of Jesus Christ.

Our events teach us to surrender to God's will, not our own.

The Holy Spirit is speaking to His People! Come and share His Word and Spirit of Revelation during many upcoming events.

Sheer Joy

Come join us at Aglow in worship, prayer and a special guest speaker!

We are the Ecclesia!

With inner authority, you offer validation and grounding to those around you. This is your personal journey, yet you're never alone. The Lord promises to be your companion. Remember, we can only guide others as far as we've traveled. So, let's journey together, walking alongside Jesus

We have a ministry twice a month to a Reno convalescent home.  Come join us as we pray and share our giftings...

Picture of us with our harmonicas.

Pat's harmonicas 007


GameChanger Bible Study

1st and 3rd Thursday of the Month

This study is now closed to new participants. Next schedule coming soon.


GameChangers Is a powerful, personal development program designed to help you see yourself as God sees you. As you work through the questions in session one, you will feel yourself rising to a new level of understanding your identity as a citizen of Heaven who lives on earth.

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