Northwest Regional Washington Prayer Explosion & Rally

2024 WA Rally Bro Header

Registration Opens June 1, 2024

Registration Fee: $85 (Individual)   $100 (Couples)


Sandy Wezowicz

Sandy Wezowicz

Sandy Wezowicz has served in various roles in Aglow for over 40 years, most recently as Israel Education Director for the ministry. She is a native New Englander and is well acquainted with former moves of revival in our nation's past. She believes the wells of revival have been uncapped and we have stepped into a place of breakthrough, personally and corporately. Her cry is, "Lord, not just a visitation, make us a habitation of Your presence."

Joyce Dudder

Joyce Dudder

In 1970, God radically saved & filled Joyce with the Holy Spirit. Instead of going to prison, God cleaned her up and sent her to work in the prisons of Washington state. God spoke to her in 2007 to get more involved in Aglow.  She currently serves on the North Sound Area Team and also as Washington State Prayer Coordinator. Her passion is to impart God’s Word as well as pray & encourage others.

Karan 2023

Karan Reed

Aglow NW Regional Director

PNG Schedule
2024 WA Hotel Info

For further information text or call: Shellie Canada at 209-986-3586