
Dianne De Jong
Diane was born in Pennsylvania, and graduated from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. She moved to The Netherlands in 1971 and has been married to Stef since then. She has been involved in European English Aglow since the 1980’s, starting as a local president and served as a Director for almost 20 years. She loves being involved in Aglow and seeing God working in lives and sharing His Word in practical ways.

Zach & Patty Davis
Zack and Patty are Aglow Oregon State Prayer Coordinators. They live in the small community of Hammond, near the mighty Columbia River and a mile from the Pacific Ocean. As longtime Aglow leaders they accepted the call when asked to serve as Oregon State Prayer Coordinators.

Karan Reed
Aglow Northwest Regional Director

Registration: $65 (Individual) $90 (Couple)