Aglow Central Arizona Area Board

Barbara Roos
VP of Administration. has held many positions in Aglow Lighthouses and Area teams; in her long association with Aglow since the early 80’s. Barbara teaches Community Bible Studies and “Life and Gamechangers” studies through Aglow. Barbara is also gifted in the prophetic and intercessory prayer ministries. Barbara hears from the Lord. in journaling the “Nugets” Holy Spirit imparts to her. She lives in West Valley and summers in South Dakota with her adult family. As a recent widow, Barbara has continued to minister to other, while dealing with her own grief. We pray God continue to lift Barb up as She talks and walks with Jesus in her new season! She is a vital blessing to our Team.
Fritz Eppard
Vp of Finance. Fritz wears many “Hats”. She has a heart and calling to the Muslim People, and holds a position on the National SW Regional Team as the Islam Prayer Coordinator. A Scriptural Intercessor is how I describe her prayers when she shares God’s heart and Word for His people. Her “Queen for a Day” ministry outreach to give young mothers a special Spa Day was very heartwarming and special. She is a gifted administrator and has held many positions in Aglow Lighthouses since 1977. She hails from Colorado where her children live . She has a daughter living in England also She lives in Buckeye with her husband, Gary. She facilitates Life and GameChangers and Bible Studies in Buckeye and Goodyear, also.
Marty Hart Lee
President, Marty’s first experience with Aglow was a Regional conference in Southern California, attended with her mother in 1977. Unable to attend many meetings because of her job, it was years later she reconnected with Aglow. Then moving to Arizona 2015 after her husband’s death; Marty plugged in at West Valley Sun City West lighthouse in ministry support, God has gifted her with talents as an oil painter, Silversmith, A/V Technology, writer, and teacher and reluctant warrior. Marty has been on the Central Area Team since 2018, first as VP of Public Relations, then in 2021 as President. Jesus lovingly showed up in a vision while on her sickbed. He healed her of Scarlet Fever when she was just a todler. It left her with hearing impairment. She was later healed from that hearing loss, at age 15, at a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting in Los Angeles. Prophetic dreams and visions followed her since childhood and have given her the knowledge of God’s call and touch on her life, even though she didn’t recognize it at the time. More dreams and visions have emerged since re-committing to follow Jesus 24/7. Marty has two sons, Joseph in Idaho, David in Hawaii, and 5 of the most beautiful grandchildren. His gifts and calling are not revoked. Rise up, walk and in faith. Step into your calling with AGLOW!
What is God saying to us? Surrender it all to Him. We have been going through trying times. Don’t be discouraged. Trust Him. He said, He will do a new thing. Get back to your first love. The Word. Ask God for His heart for the Lost. Wait on the LORD. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Watch and see what He will do. Dwell in the presence of the Lord. Give Him all the glory. Its by the power of the testimony and the Blood of the Lamb that overcomes the enemy.
By, Marty Hart Lee