Aglow is a global network of men and women that spans cultural, generational, and denominational boundaries.
Aglow International is a Transformational Kingdom Culture with mindsets not of this world. As a Kingdom Movement, we are committed to seeing God's will done on earth as it is in Heaven by raising up champions and warriors across the earth who will bring freedom to the oppressed while providing opportunities for everyone in our spheres of influence to grow into radiant relationships with each other, as well as, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Aglow is one of the networks that God has built established in the earth to accomplish His purposes in the end times. The real strength of this network is its breadth -- displaying His power, dominion, & authority in 170 nations. We know how to stand against the shifting, changing times, speak into the atmosphere align earth with Heaven's purposes. That is the power of who we are.
Aglow Meetings
Aglow is, by nature, dynamic and global. Meetings vary from nation to nation in order to meet the cultural and geographic needs of individuals in locations as diverse as the people themselves! Large groups gather to worship, and listen to guest speakers; smaller groups (from 3-10) meet, forming prayer groups, Bible studies, or care groups. Those with a heart for outreach form groups to help meet community needs such as visiting nursing homes and orphanages, tutoring at schools and participating in food programs.
As Aglow has grown, more groups have formed around special areas of ministry such as prison ministry, ministry within local churches, outreach within neighborhoods, and teen or youth ministry.
Aglow Bible Studies
Up close and personal: that’s a good way to describe Aglow Bible studies. A small group meets together regularly to study the Bible and share issues and questions that touch hearts. Bible studies are an especially good place for new Christians to come together with other believers to explore God’s Word and put the timeless truths into action in their own personal lives. Find out more about Aglow's free Bible Studies.
Aglow Conferences
More than 100 nations are represented at our worldwide conferences. Around the world, Aglow conferences have become times of visitations from the Lord, individually and corporately. It is during these times that Aglow women and men catch vision from leaders, and become equipped to return as servant leaders in their communities.
Through the years, national conferences have been held in more than 50 nations. Recently, in response to a growing desire among members to widen their sphere beyond national borders, Aglow has encompassed a wider sphere. Aglow’s regional conferences have drawn believers from several nations, to further strengthen the bonds among Christ-followers.
For more than two decades, worldwide conferences (held in the U.S. on odd-numbered years), bring thousands of Aglow members together. One highlight of the gathering is the opening session’s flag parade where leaders from more than 100 nations joyously celebrate their faith, and life in the Spirit.
Visit our Events page for info on upcoming conferences.
Aglow began in 1967 with four women who expressed a desire to meet together as Christians without denominational boundaries. The first general meeting was held in Seattle, Washington, USA, close to where Aglow’s Worldwide Headquarters stands today.
The meeting drew more than 100 women to the Meany Hotel near the University of Washington campus. It didn’t take long for women who attended that first meeting to invite their neighbors and friends to gatherings in other communities surrounding Seattle. As the word spread, new groups began springing up around Washington state, and within months, groups formed in other U.S. states.
By 1972, more than 60 local groups held monthly meetings around the U.S. By 1973, Aglow was moving onto the global stage as fellowships began in Canada, and New Zealand. The Netherlands followed in 1974, marking Aglow as an international "Network of caring women," in just six short years.
Today, Aglow spans the globe! And it continues to reach out to women - and men - of every creed, color, and culture to families worldwide. Over 4,600 Aglow groups meet worldwide, about 68% of them are outside the U.S. (over 3,000 groups).
More than 22,000 Aglow leaders worldwide minister in their communities and nations, to an estimated 17 million people each year. Today, indigenous leaders are overseeing Aglow groups in nearly 170 nations around the globe.