You Make A Difference Thank You Card (Facebook Cover)

Your Contributions Matter

Click on the buttons below to make a donation to the South Hill Aglow Community Lighthouse.

Your donations are tax deductible and can be receipted for your records.

"We are a safe place to sow!"

Rebuild. Restore. Renew. with us! Would you consider making monthly contributions via PayPal, CashApp or check donations?  We are a safe place to sow! When we collaborate with each other, we can accomplish so much for the Kingdom! We shall not be limited in providing monetary seeds to organizations or projects that impact our community!

#Impact Lives In 2025!

We also tithe our increase when donations are sowed into the South Hill Aglow Community Lighthouse! Our obedience to God's principles helps to support Aglow International and our State Prayer Coordinator.

We truly are a safe place to sow!
