Now, it’s A NEW DAY! #Impact Lives in 2025
Our vision since 2020 has been to REBUILD, RESTORE, RENEW holistically in ways that impact us spiritually, mentally and physically. Go is calling us higher as He has been equipping us personally and collectively for the work ahead! As an Aglow lighthouse, we have been reminded that we are to “occupy” and impact the “Joshuas” that come behind us. We are to stir up the “beehive” so God’s Word can go forth in a new way! We’ve been challenged with the question, “What are we prepared to do with our forged authority?” WE ARE THE WEAPON GOD IS USING! WE ARE EQUIPPED! God has already filled us as we overcame each hurdle! We are equipping others from our overflow!
It’s a New Day and we will #Impact Lives in 2025!
The vision to REBUILD, RESTORE, RENEW from Isaiah 61:4 has greater depth and impact in 2025. We will “occupy” the UNITY, PROSPERITY, and TRUTH that is our “promised land” or inheritance as a community!
As we collaborate and connect with our community, God will REBUILD, RESTORE, RENEW us individually, personally, collectively, and corporately-in every way- for the NEW DAY!!